Plastic Parts

What should be paid attention to when polishing zinc alloy die castings

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Before mechanical polishing, the quality of die casting must be checked first. Because improper mold design and casting technology will cause defects in the surface layer, such as cracks, subcutaneous blisters, pores, cracks and other defects, this is one of the potential sources of corrosion and the main factor affecting the quality of the coating.
Before mechanical polishing, the quality of die casting must be checked first. Because improper mold design and casting technology will cause defects in the surface layer, such as cracks, subcutaneous blisters, pores, cracks and other defects, this is one of the potential sources of corrosion and the main factor affecting the quality of the coating. The quality of die-casting is unqualified, and it is not allowed to enter the polishing process. The surface is required to be smooth, dense, smooth, without cold lines, and without pores.
When polishing, pay attention to the characteristics of the fine surface of the die-casting parts and the loose internal structure. If the dense layer on the surface is thrown away to expose the loose layer, the phenomenon of more polishing and hair will appear, which will seriously affect the binding force of the plating layer, and zinc The hardness of the alloy is low, so for zinc die-castings, it should be avoided as much as possible. If the surface of the workpiece is rough, and the wire flow and scratches must be polished, a lower speed (1200 ~ 1400r / min) and a smaller diameter grinding wheel (≤250mm) should be used. Avoid excessive force during operation. Throw away the dense layer on the surface. When polishing the cloth wheel, you should choose the appropriate speed (1400 ~ 1800r / min), the material of the wheel (fine cloth or felt) and the diameter of the wheel (≤300mm). If the speed is too fast, the force is too strong, and the polishing paste is lacking on the throwing wheel, it will form fine pits and wrinkles on the surface of the part that are indistinguishable to the naked eye, which not only affects the decorativeness, but also causes blistering and peeling. Pay attention to throwing away lightly during operation. The polished parts should be electroplated as soon as possible. The placement time is too long, which will affect the appearance and bonding force of the coating.

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